Resident of Nes Ziona Returns to Tefillin Stand After Egg Throwing Incident


The individual who had thrown an egg at a tefillin stand in Nes Ziona three weeks ago returned Friday to the same stand, this time to apologize and to don tefillin.

He addressed the young Chabad Chassidim, who operate the stand, and informed them that he was apologizing and seeking forgiveness for his previous actions. Following this, he rolled up his sleeve and asked to put on tefillin.

“He also told us that he commits to putting on tefillin every day,” recounted one of the Chabad volunteers to the COL website.

Following the egg-throwing incident, which sparked public outrage, the Israel Police initiated an investigation.

A day later, the police also detained a Nes Ziona resident on suspicion of attacking two Chabad yeshivah students who were standing beside the tefillin stand, as well as desecrating the tefillin.

According to the police statement, “Station officers examined the evidence on-site, and based on their findings, located and initiated an investigation with the suspect – a Nes Ziona resident in his 30s. Following the investigation, all findings will be reviewed, and a decision will be made by the judicial authorities accordingly.”

Last week, another incident of harassment targeting Chabad in Nes Ziona was reported: disturbing graffiti was found against the tefillin stands sprayed on the signs of Chabad schools in the city. A complaint was filed with the police.

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