Prof.: Between 1-1.5M Israelis Already Infected With Omicron Variant


Between one and one and a half million Israelis have been infected with the omicron variant, Professor Eran Segal, a computational biologist at the Weizmann Institute of Science and an expert on COVID-19 in Israel, estimates.

He noted that according to official numbers published by the Ministry of Health, nearly 250,000 Israelis have tested positive for the coronavirus in the past five days.

“In practice, probably 3-4 times [that number] have been infected, because many are not tested, either not on time or not in the right way. In London, according to surveys, the assessment is that 3.5 times more were infected than were officially verified,” he explained.

“In other words, 1 in 10 Israelis have probably been infected in recent days. The chance of getting infected these days is the highest since the onset of the pandemic,” he warned.

He estimated that the height of infections in the omicron wave will occur in the coming week or two.

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