Ministers Urge Shorter Quarantine as Omicron Empties Classrooms

Director-General of the Israeli Ministry of Health, Prof. Nachman Ash. (Tomer Neuberg/FLASH90)

As Omicron infections sweep through the Israeli school system, some officials on Sunday were calling for a shorter isolation period, from 10 to 5 days, The Times of Israel reported.

Approximately 200,000 schoolchildren and teachers were self-isolating as of Sunday after testing positive for the coronavirus or being exposed to a known carrier.

The breakdown, according to the Health Ministry: 75,993 students and 13,364 school staff members were quarantined after testing positive; and another 103,153 students and 4,354 staff after coming in contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case.

Overall, 7.2 percent of students and staff in the education system were forced to stay home on Sunday, hampering classroom instruction and sending thousands back into the realm of virtual study and its attendant problems.

Education Minister Yifat Shasha-Biton led the push for a 5-day isolation, citing:

“Children face eating disorders, a tsunami of mental health issues, and more, all because of unnecessary isolation,” Shasha-Biton said during a Sunday cabinet meeting, according to media reports.

“We are exploring the possibility of shortening the isolation for staff at medical institutions and other essential positions, and we will do so responsibly,” Health Ministry Director General Nachman Ash said Sunday during a visit to a coronavirus ward in Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva. He did not specifically discuss the schools.

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