Netanyahu: Israel to Reject Deal With Hamas That Calls for End of War

By Yoni Weiss

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu speaks during a press conference in Yerushalayim. (Marc Israel Sellem/POOL)

In response to mounting speculation about potential international pressure for Israel to agree to a ceasefire in Gaza as part of a hostage release agreement, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu issued a video statement Sunday firmly asserting Israel’s stance. He emphasized that Israel will not entertain any proposal that entails ending the ongoing war and withdrawing IDF forces from Gaza.

Netanyahu underscored, “Israel cannot accept this,” citing concerns about Hamas regaining control, rebuilding military infrastructure, and posing renewed threats to Israeli citizens. He reiterated Israel’s refusal to acquiesce to what he termed as Hamas’s demands for surrender, affirming that Israel will persist in its military operations until all objectives are met.

According to Netanyahu, yielding to Hamas’s demands would only serve to expedite future conflicts and potentially lead to further bloodshed. Despite Israel’s unwavering stance, Netanyahu indicated a willingness to engage in negotiations, but lamented that Hamas remains obstinate in its positions.

While senior officials from the U.S., Qatar, and Egypt are convening in Cairo alongside Hamas representatives, Netanyahu opted not to dispatch a delegation from Israel at this juncture.

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