U.S. Publishes Arabic Version of Bahrain Plan


The United States published on Tuesday an Arabic version of the Bahrain economic proposals, so that the Palestinians themselves will have a chance to see it for themselves, even though their leaders boycotted the conference.

The “Peace to Prosperity” document was published by the White House last month, in preparation for the June 25-26 economic workshop on the proposal held in Bahrain last week. But until now it was only released in English.

“While Palestinian leadership boycotted and tried (unsuccessfully) to undermine our workshop, Palestinians and the region deserve a chance to judge our economic plan for themselves,” special Middle East peace envoy Jason Greenblatt tweeted on Tuesday. “I’m pleased to share our Peace to Prosperity vision in Arabic!”

The English text has been downloaded half a million times, senior White House adviser Jared Kushner told the conference participants.

It calls for $50 billion in investment over 10 years in the Palestinian territories and Israel’s Arab neighbors, with projects to develop roads, border crossings, power generation and tourism, and setting a target of a million Palestinian jobs.

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