Bodies of 3 Hostages Recovered in Gaza

By Hamodia Staff

Israeli forces have recovered the remains of three people who were killed by Hamas terrorists in Israel on October 7th and whose bodies were then taken to Gaza.

The victims have been identified as Shani Louk, Itzhak Gelerenter and Amit Buskila. Louk was a dual Israeli-German citizen.

IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said at a press conference Friday that the bodies were recovered overnight Thursday in an operation carried out by the military and Shin Bet.

The three victims were killed in Israel by Hamas terrorists at the Mefalsim Intersection in Israel, and their bodies were then taken to Gaza.

The bodies were located through intelligence obtained during the interrogations of terrorists who were apprehended in the Gaza Strip, as well as intelligence from IDF Intelligence Directorate’s Headquarters for the Hostages and Missing Persons.

Hamas terrorists killed approximately 1,200 people and kidnapped around 250 in the October 7th attack. More than 100 hostages have been freed, mostly in a ceasefire deal with Hamas in November that saw Israel release hundreds of Palestinian prisoners, some of whom had been convicted of terror attacks. Approximately 130 hostages remain in Gaza, but it is unknown how many are still alive.

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