Ministerial Committee Approves Continuity on Draft Law Despite AG Impediments

By Hamodia Staff

(Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

The Attorney General’s Office told Justice Minister Yariv Levin on Thursday that there is a legal impediment to advancing a draft law bill from the last Knesset backed by the previous government.

Echoing statements by opposition MKs – who actually voted in favor of the law in 2021 – Deputy Attorney General Gil Limon said that the bill was drawn up on the basis of data that is no longer up to date, and that the IDF and the security establishment were not consulted by the government about its proposal to recycle the old bill.

Limon noted at the end of his letter that the Attorney General’s Office therefore opposes the bill.

In spite of this, the ministerial committee convened Thursday to discuss the continuity of the law. The committee approved the proposal unanimously.

During the discussion, Minister Shlomo Karhi attacked the Attorney General’s Office: “There is one problem that the law does not address: how to bring down the government.”

Levin wondered at the committee meeting: “When was there such a demand regarding the initiation of continuity in other cases? When? Was there ever such a thing?”

Government Secretary Yossi Fuchs showed the document from Limon. “Did you notice that there is no legal opinion written here? It is because there is no legal opinion procedure on continuity of the law. Why? Because the capacity of that is parliamentary, not administrative,” he said.

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