Home Front Command Cancels Events at Meron for 7 Adar Due to Security Concerns

By Hamodia Staff

Men seen at the hilula of Moshe Rabbeinu, in Meron, on 7 Adar of last year. (David Cohen/Flash90)

In response to escalating security threats in northern Israel, Major General Raffi Milou, the chief of Home Front Command, has issued a directive to the Israeli police to cancel the events scheduled for 7 Adar II, March 17-18, in Meron, commemorating the yahrtzeit of Moshe Rabbeinu, a”h. This decision comes in the wake of the ongoing war.

The directive, part of the implementation of civil defense responsibilities under the Civil Defense Law, outlines policies for civilian preparedness throughout the country, with varying guidelines and restrictions based on changing threat assessments.

The cancellation of the events in Meron follows a comprehensive evaluation of the potential risks posed by the gathering, considering factors such as historical tensions, recent incidents, and the significant security threat in the vicinity. Maj. Gen. Milou emphasized the potential danger to human lives and invoked the authority granted by the Civil Defense Law to cancel the event in order to prevent any harm, chalilah.

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