Two More Soldiers Lost in Gaza Combat; Toll Rises to 52

By Yoni Weiss

The IDF on Wednesday morning announced the loss of two additional soldiers in the Gaza combat: Captain Omri Yosef David, 27, and Captain Yedidya Asher Lev, 26. Their families have been informed of the news.

Omri Yosef David, from Karmiel, served as a deputy company commander in the Negev Brigade’s 9217 Battalion. Yedidya Asher Lev, a resident of Tal Menashe in the Shomron, held the position of deputy company commander in the Givati Brigade’s Shaked Battalion.

This update brings the total casualties to 52 soldiers since the commencement of the ground operation, with 48 of these losses occurring within the Gaza Strip.

Additionally, the IDF reported four troops sustaining severe injuries: an officer from the 7th Brigade’s 82nd Battalion, a commander at the Combat Engineering Corp’s training base, a soldier from Givati’s Shaked Battalion, and a soldier from Nahal’s 932nd Battalion.

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