Arab Residents Indicted for Abusing Chareidi Man at Yerushalayim Hospital


Five Arab residents of Yerushalayim, aged 19–22, have been indicted by the Yerushalayim District Attorney’s Office for their involvement in the abuse of a chareidi man at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital. The complainant, a person with a mental disability and of chareidi appearance, was receiving medical treatment at the hospital when the incident occurred some two weeks ago.

According to the indictment, the defendants were fully aware of the victim’s disability and subjected him to an hour and a half of humiliating actions and statements. They forced him to curse the Jewish people and his own sister in Arabic, recite verses from the Koran, and even kiss the feet of the abusers. Disturbingly, they recorded these acts on their cell phones and shared them on social media, garnering widespread attention and reports to the police.

The charges against the defendants include racially motivated abuse of a vulnerable individual and invasion of privacy.

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