Another Verbal Attack on Chareidi Man Exposes Rising Hate Speech


The light rail in Yerushalayim. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

In yet another distressing incident, this time on the Yerushalayim light rail, an adult individual targeted a elderly chareidi man Tuesday night with a barrage of offensive remarks, including the appalling statement, “It’s a shame Hitler didn’t finish the job with you.” The incident, captured on video by a fellow passenger, sheds light on the escalating issue of hate speech directed toward the chareidi community in Israel.

The incident unfolded when the offender boarded the light rail and openly unleashed a stream of derogatory comments toward the chareidi man, leaving those present in shock. Reacting swiftly, a young chareidi passenger confronted the perpetrator, demanding that he repeat his hateful words. The offender, taken aback by the bold response, responded with a volley of repugnant insults.

Refusing to let the incident go unnoticed, the man recorded the encounter, capturing undeniable evidence of the verbal assault. The video, shared by activist Ariel Elharar on social media, has since gained attention, raising awareness of the distressing reality faced by the chareidi community. Elharar accompanied the video with a poignant message, recounting the incident and calling for action against hate speech.

This incident serves as a disturbing example of the growing trend of hate speech targeting the chareidi community in Israel.

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