Soldier Lightly Wounded in Chevron Stabbing Attack

Israeli forces gather at the scene of a stabbing attack in Chevron, Monday. (Reuters/Mussa Qawasma)

IDF soldiers eliminated a terrorist who attacked soldiers in Chevron with a knife, Monday morning. One soldier was lightly wounded in the stabbing attack, which took place near Me’aras Hamachpelah. The terrorist was neutralized by shots fired by soldiers after he lunged at soldiers with the knife.

Zaka officials said that when they arrived at the scene, the terrorist was stretched out on the ground, and the knife was lying next to him. The soldier was treated at the scene and then taken to a hospital in Yerushalayim. He was hospitalized with light injuries and was expected to be released later in the day.

Arab stabbing attacks in the Me’aeras Hamachpelah area occur on a regular basis, with nearly all of them aimed at soldiers. The vast majority end with little or no injuries to IDF soldiers, baruch Hashem.

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