Gallant Hints at Possible Escalation in North

By Yoni Weiss

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant speaks to troops in northern Israel, Wednesday. (Ariel Hermoni/Defense Ministry)

Addressing troops in northern Israel on Wednesday, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant pledged to repatriate the tens of thousands of Israelis displaced due to Hezbollah’s terror attacks, hinting at a potentially volatile summer and the prospect of escalated tensions on the northern border.

Speaking to artillery reservists in the 91st Division, Gallant emphasized that while Hezbollah may have been pushed back from the immediate border, it remains a present threat.

Gallant noted the necessity of either diplomatic agreements or operational strategies to ensure the safe return of residents to their homes and the reconstruction of damaged infrastructure.

“We possess significant firepower and will not hesitate to utilize it if required,” Gallant said, alluding to the potential for Israel to engage in war to secure its borders against Hezbollah.

Acknowledging the soldiers’ past achievements, Gallant urged them to prepare for future missions, cautioning that the upcoming summer may present heightened challenges.

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