Greenblatt: President’s Peace Plan Will Require Compromise by All

Jason Greenblatt with Donald Trump. (Jason Greenblatt)

President Donald Trump will not present a comprehensive peace plan when he speaks at the United Nations later this month, but his “deal of the century” will be revealed soon after that, said Jason Greenblatt, who along with Jared Kushner has been developing the deal that the President claims will bring peace to the Middle East.

When the plan is revealed, compromise is going to be the order of the day, Greenblatt said in an interview with Reuters. “We’re going to have to defend the plan to Israelis and Palestinians. We are ready for criticism from all sides, but we believe this is the best path forward for everyone.” With that, “The parties will need to decide if they think the plan works for them and will make their lives better,” Greenblatt told Reuters. “The parties are the only ones who can make these compromises, and there are no compromises on Israel’s security needs.”

Palestinian Authority officials reiterated this week that they will have nothing to do with any plan offered by the Trump administration.

After a series of steps aimed at the Palestinians in recent weeks, from halting UNWRA funding to freezing payments to Arab hospitals in Yerushalayim – all aimed at prompting the PA to negotiate seriously with Israel – the Trump administration on Monday ordered the closure of the PLO mission in Washington DC.

The moves “make Trump an enemy of peace,” PA sources told Channel Ten. “With his policies, Trump is encouraging terrorist behavior and will cause violent behavior that will blow up in the faces of Israel and the U.S.”

According to the sources, PA chief Mahmoud Abbas will use his podium at the UN General Assembly to personally attack President Donald Trump. Abbas “plans a very critical speech at the end of September and will place the blame for the deterioration of the situation in the Middle East on Trump personally. He plans on using very undiplomatic language, to say the least,” the PA sources told Channel 10.

In a separate interview with The New York Times, Kushner, who worked with Greenblatt on the deal, justified the moves against the PA. “Palestinian leaders deserved to lose aid after vilifying the administration,” Kushner was quoted as saying. “Nobody is entitled to America’s foreign aid,” Kushner said, adding that PA funding had “evolved into a decades-long entitlement program with no plan to make them self-reliant.”

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