Presumed Hostage Lior Rudaeff Confirmed Dead; Body Taken to Gaza

By Yoni Weiss

Kibbutz Nir Yitzchak announced on Tuesday that resident Lior Rudaeff, Hy”d, who had been presumed to be held hostage in Gaza for the past seven months, has passed away.

The kibbutz’s statement did not provide additional details, promising further information at a later time.

In a separate statement, the Hostages and Missing Families Forum confirmed that Rudaeff was killed on Oct. 7 and that his body was taken to the Gaza Strip by Hamas terrorists. No specifics were provided regarding how this information was obtained.

The 61-year-old ambulance driver and volunteer medic had risen early on Oct. 7. He received a call from the kibbutz emergency squad to assist in protecting the community.

Rudaeff promptly joined the defense effort, but later sent a message indicating that he had been injured.

Rudaeff was among the 252 individuals taken hostage during the Hamas-led attack on Israel.

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