Forty Palestinian Hunger Strikers Hospitalized


Israel hospitalized 40 hunger-striking Palestinian detainees this week as their fast entered a second month, the spokeswoman of Israel’s Prison Authority said Tuesday. In all, some 240 detainees are currently on a hunger strike.

The condition of those hospitalized is “reasonable,” said spokeswoman Sivan Weizman, but did not elaborate.

Advocates for the prisoners said their health is deteriorating.

Issa Karakeh, the Palestinian minister for prisoner affairs, told a news conference Tuesday that some of the hunger-strikers are in serious danger.

The prisoners demand their release and the halt of open-ended “administrative detention,” which allows Israel to hold people whom they judge to be security risks without charge or trial.

The current hunger strike began April 24 by 80 detainees and more joined since then. Weizman said that 240 Palestinian prisoners are currently on a hunger strike.

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