Mayor Eric Adams Attends Inauguration of Joseph Weber Way in Williamsburg

By Hamodia Staff

Photos and videos by Aaron Berger)

NYC Mayor Eric Adams attended to inauguration and unveiling of the sign naming the corner Penn Street and Bedford Avenue as Joseph Weber Way in memory of Reb Yosef Weber, who was the longtime gabai in the Pupa Beis Medrash which is located nearby at 654 Bedford Avenue.

Mayor Adams spoke of how Reb Yosef worked tirelessly for the community and how naming the street after him will help eternalize his memory and his good deeds. He extolled how as a twenty-two-year old Holocaust survivor, Weber turned darkness to light and helped to build the community by serving as the vice president of the UJO of Williamsburg and vice chairman of Community Board 1 for forty years.

Mayor Adams also spoke about the current situation in Gaza, and expressed his belief that Hamas must be disbanded and dismantled and destroyed.

Mayor Adams met with the Pupa Rebbe, Harav Yaakov Yechizkia Greenwald, shlita, where he spoke to the Rebbe and community leaders about this auspicious day.

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