Herzog Receives Turkish Ambassador’s Credentials


Incoming Turkish Ambassador to Israel Sakir Ozkan Torunlar with President Yitzchak Herzog, during a ceremony for new ambassadors at the President’s Residence, in Yerushalayim, Wednesday. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

For the first time since the resumption of relations between Israel and Turkey, President Yitzchak Herzog received a letter of credentials from the Turkish ambassador on Wednesday.

Herzog welcomed Ambassador Şakir Özkan Torunlar to Israel.

This comes after Israel and Turkey announced the full normalization of their relations in August. Israel’s ambassador to Turkey, Irit Lillian, presented her credentials to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan last month.

Herzog said, “It is no secret that the State of Israel, and I personally, attach great importance to our historical relationship with Turkey. These are connections that have known difficulties in the past but are now, to our joy, going in a promising direction. Israel and Turkey can and should cooperate in many areas that will bring prosperity, progress and growth to both countries and both peoples.”

He added that Erdogan emphasized in conversations with himself and the public “how much he recognizes the importance of the partnership between Israel and Turkey.” He thanked Erdogan and invited him to visit Israel in what he called “a visit that will contribute to deepening the ties and cooperation between our countries.”

“I am sure that we will all continue to work to strengthen the relations between the countries,” Herzog continued, “and we will work with mutual respect and join hands for a better and more promising future for our citizens and our region.”

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