Elderly Yeshivah Bus Driver Beaten by 5 Teens

boro park bus driver assaulted
Teens beating the bus driver, who is on the ground wearing green jacket.

A 70-year-old Boro Park yeshivah bus driver was hospitalized after being beaten Thursday morning by five teens, according to NYPD and Shomrim.

The incident occurred just after 6:00 a.m. in a bus parking lot at 17th Avenue and 49th Street.

When the driver entered the parking lot to start work for the day, he parked his car, then took out a broom to sweep the gutter.

Surveillance video then shows a teen running into the driver’s car, apparently trying to steal it. The driver comes running toward his car, waving his broom. As the would-be thief runs away, the driver throws the broom at him and then falls to the ground.

Four other teens — some of whom had been hiding on a school bus — then emerge, and they all begin assaulting the driver, punching and kicking him in the face, arm and stomach, causing bleeding and swelling.

Another 70-year-old bus driver sought to come to the aid of his colleague, and began chasing away the assailants, who menaced him before fleeing on foot.

The perpetrators stole cellphone chargers from the bus.

The victim was transported to Maimonides Medical Center.



Video of the incident below


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