Jewish Man in Iran to Be Executed Monday

By Hamodia Staff

The 20-year-old Iranian Jew who has been sentenced to death.

The Jewish community is anxiously on edge and tefillos are being recited worldwide as a 20-year-old Iranian Jew is facing the death penalty, according to local reports. The Jewish man was reportedly involved in an accident and was arrested by local police after accidentally killing an Iranian.

The execution was initially to have taken on place on Shabbos, but has been postponed to Monday.

The condemned man’s family is trying to pay ransom to the family of the deceased, in an attempt to cancel the sentence, as is customary in Iran.

However, the family refuses to accept the payment and insists that the Jew be sentenced to death. Lawyers in Persian Jewish communities in Iran and the United States are trying to influence the family of the deceased to receive the money, but so far without success, unfortunately.

Please daven for the release of Erwin Netanel ben Tziona.

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