Biden Administration Reaffirms Commitment to Hostages as Sullivan Heads to Israel

By Yoni Weiss

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images/TNS)

The Biden administration has vowed never to abandon the remaining 132 hostages, with National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan set to arrive in Israel on Sunday to re-energize talks.

“The United States continues to press ahead with negotiations to bring the hostages home,” stated U.S. Ambassador to Israel Jack Lew, addressing protesters at Hostage Square for the second time in seven months.

“Today marks 225 days since innocents were torn from their loved ones, children from their parents, parents from their children,” Lew said.

“I stand with you here to reaffirm the commitment of the United States — we will not stop working every day to bring all the hostages home,” Lew pledged, noting that eight of those held in Gaza are U.S. citizens. “To the family members of those held hostage, I say we hear you. We stand with you.”

Lew emphasized that “Hamas must release the hostages so this crisis can end, allowing us to focus on bringing peace and stability to the region.” He added that releasing the hostages would pave the way to end the fighting, improve humanitarian conditions in Gaza, and “open a path for progress on strategic issues.”

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