Experts Says Green Pass ‘Irrelevant’ Against Omicron, Must Be Done With

(Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

Sources in the Health Ministry confirmed on Thursday that the “Green Pass” is about to be scrapped since it appears to be “irrelevant” in the face of the omicron variant of the coronavirus.

The Health Ministry currently appears to mull three potential scenarios with regard to the mandate, which include canceling it, extending it, or issuing it to only those who received their fourth COVID vaccine shot. However, the decision at this point is not to recommend the fourth vaccine for the entire population.

Although health experts appear to be inclined toward the cancellation of the Green Pass mandate, the recent termination of quarantines in the education system raises a concern that scrapping Green Pass would be too reckless. Therefore, the assessment in the health-care system is that after quarantines in schools are lifted, the next move will be a cancellation of the Green Pass sometime in the future.

Prof. Cyrille Cohen, an expert on immunology from Bar-Ilan University, said that during the omicron wave the Green Pass has become less effective.

“The purpose of the Green Pass was originally to try and create some sort of a safer environment for vaccinated people, especially for those who can get seriously ill. The Green Pass also encouraged people to get vaccinated, but at this time it is irrelevant since the omicron variant infects both vaccinated and unvaccinated at a similar rate.

“Furthermore, if there is no real enforcement of the mandate, it loses its purpose, therefore it can be eased. However, people need to keep following the basic guidelines of the pandemic. Because during these times, in which hospitals are overburdened and the morbidity rate skyrocketing, every single thing we can do to prevent further deterioration of the situation can make a difference,” Cohen added.

On the other hand, not everyone agrees that scrapping the Green Pass is necessary. Prof. Nadav Davidovitch, an expert in epidemiology and public health, told Yediot the Green Pass shouldn’t be canceled, and instead, it should be modified for the omicron wave.

Prof. Chezi Levi, director of Ashkelon’s Barzilai Medical Center and former Health Ministry’s director general, also said the Green Pass can still help Israel to fight the pandemic.

“While it’s not helping so much with the current wave, it still reduces morbidity rate, especially among people who are vaccinated. The Green Pass mandate has some logic behind it, therefore I don’t think we should break all the boundaries we established in the past two years of the COVID pandemic.”



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