Netanyahu Suggests That Biden Fell Asleep Meeting Bennett

biden bennett
President Joe Biden (R) and Prime Minister Naftali Bennett in the Oval Office, last month. (Reuters/Jonathan Ernst)

Former Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu suggested in a video posted online on Sunday that President Joe Biden had fallen asleep when meeting the Prime Minister Naftali Bennett last month.

In a video Netanyahu posted on his social media page on Sunday, an off-camera voice says: “You know, Bennett met with Biden.”

“I heard. I heard that Biden was very attentive at this meeting. He dropped his head in agreement,” Netanyahu replied, letting his own head fall in a swift motion, as if to mimic someone falling asleep.

Netanyahu was largely in lockstep with the Middle East policies of Democrat Biden’s Republican predecessor, Donald Trump.

Netanyahu’s reference to the Biden meeting was a brief segment in a nearly 26-minute video that touched on a variety of political issues. But it drew headlines on Israeli news outlets, several of which accused Netanyahu of mocking Biden.

Now in opposition, Netanyahu has promised to govern again.

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