Scientists Returning to Israel


The migration of scientists and researchers from Israel to the United States and Europe may not have been halted, but more of them are returning from abroad than in previous years, The Jerusalem Post reported.

The Israel Academy of Science and Humanities, which in 2007 established a special office to bring academics back to Israel, says that a record number of 3,027 of them have signed up to seek work in Israel.

Since 2007, more than 500 scientists have returned, mostly from the United States. A total of 430 have received work as researchers on the staff of universities, colleges and state research institutes, with others securing post-doctoral positions.

Nearly 1,750 are in the United States, 228 in the U.K., 94 in Germany, 52 in Australia and 39 in France.

A survey taken by the Academy found that the main factors keeping them from returning are “the different styles of running things in Israel,” dislike of red tape, lack of transparency and concern that they won’t be able to find permanent jobs.

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