Palestinians Attack Nigeria For U.N. Abstention

YERUSHALAYIM (Hamodia Staff) —

Nigeria was heavily criticized on Thursday for its decision to back Israel and the U.S by abstaining in the U.N. Security Council vote on Tuesday.

The Palestinian representative to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Muhammad al-Akluk, castigated the African country for what he said was a “clear contradiction” and violated numerous resolutions passed at OIC summits in support of Palestine, Ma’an news agency reported.

Nigeria, whose population is about half-Muslim, half-Christian, is one of the organization’s 57 member states.

He called on the OIC to discipline Nigeria for its “unacceptable” behavior.

Meanwhile, in Yerushalayim, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu condemned the Palestinian move to sign onto the International Criminal Court, saying: “We expect the International Criminal Court in The Hague to reject the request, as the Palestinian Authority is not a state. The authority is an entity that is in alliance with a terrorist organization.”

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday signed appeals to join 20 international treaties — primarily the Rome Statute, which paves the way for the Palestinians to join the ICC.

The emergency discussion matter convened by Netanyahu was notable for the absence of Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman. He was not invited, though director of the Foreign Ministry Nissim Ben Sheetrit and other officials from Defense and Justice were, according to Israel Radio.

Sources in the Foreign Ministry said that Netanyahu was afraid that Lieberman’s recommendations for action would “challenge” him, but sources in the Prime Minister’s Office said that his decisions would be brought before the cabinet, where Lieberman could state his views.

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