Netanyahu Advances Draft Law From Previous Knesset

By Hamodia Staff

A man walks outside the IDF recruitment office in Yerushalayim. (Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announced Wednesday that he would advance a draft law that passed in its first reading in the former Knesset session, under the Lapid-Bennett government.

“In an effort to bridge differences and foster broad consensus, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has opted to advance the draft law that secured initial approval in the preceding Knesset,” the Prime Minister’s Office explained in a statement.

“That legislation was crafted by the defense establishment following extensive deliberation and was presented by former Defense Minister Benny Gantz. The Prime Minister invites all factions that endorsed the proposal in the previous Knesset to rally behind the initiative.”

The proposal calls for draft targets to be updated, with an annual increase in the number of recruits, and details economic consequences for non-compliance.

Furthermore, under the law, the required age for exemption from regular service after deferment will be reduced. Additionally, it will be possible to substitute regular service with participation in vocational training and/or national civilian service instead of military service.

At the time, the chareidi parties opposed the law, while Gantz supported it.

It remains to be seen how both the chareidi parties and Gantz will respond to Netanyahu’s political maneuver.

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