IDF Faces Off Against Hamas in Major Battle in Northern Gaza

By Yoni Weiss

IDF soldiers in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday. (IDF Spokesman)

On Tuesday, IDF Division 98 engaged in a significant battle in Jabalya, northern Gaza, resulting in the elimination of numerous Hamas terrorists. This marked the largest clash in Gaza since mid-March and the most substantial confrontation in Jabalya since January.

While the IDF commenced its re-invasion of Jabalya over the weekend, it was only on Tuesday that they encountered larger groups of reconstituted Hamas forces in the area.

Prior to this, skirmishes in Jabalya primarily involved smaller terror cells, often comprising only a few Hamas terrorists, since January.

The last major engagement in Gaza occurred during the re-invasion of Shifa Hospital in Gaza City in mid-March, lasting one to two weeks depending on the interpretation of different phases of the conflict.

Amidst threats from the US to halt the transfer of large American bombs, Israel may opt for a ground invasion of Rafah with reduced air support. While this strategy exposes IDF troops to greater risks, they can still utilize tanks and artillery to counter Hamas’s four Rafah battalions.

Despite this shift, Israel’s air force remained active, conducting over 100 airstrikes across Gaza from Monday to Tuesday, as reported by the IDF.

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