Gaza Arabs Again Open Fire on IDF Patrol

IDF soldiers seen by the Gaza border, near Kibbutz Nir-Am, on Jan. 13. (Hadas Parush/Flash90)
IDF soldiers seen at the Gaza border. (Hadas Parush/Flash90)

For the second time within several days, Gaza Arab terrorists overnight Monday opened fire at IDF troops on patrol along the Gaza border. No soldiers were injured in the incident. IDF forces returned fire to the source of the shooting.

On Motzoei Shabbos, a similar incident occurred near the same area, with Gaza terrorists shooting at IDF troops and soldiers firing back. There were no injuries in that incident either. After the incident, Israeli forces fired several mortar shells at terror targets in Gaza. One target was reported hit.

Overnight Monday, security officials said they arrested 10 wanted security suspects in other areas in Yehudah and Shomron. The suspects were wanted for participating in rioting and throwing stones and firebombs that endangered Israeli civilians and IDF soldiers. Several of the suspects were also charged with belonging to Hamas. All were being questioned on their activities by security forces.

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