Soldier Wounded in Hezbollah Rocket Barrage on Meron Area

By Yoni Weiss

Smoke rises after the Israeli airforce hits southern Lebanon following Lebanese rockets hitting northern Israeli Arab village of Arab al-Aramshe, April 17. (Ayal Margolin/Flash90)

An Israeli soldier was lightly wounded in the Hezbollah rocket barrage on the Meron area overnight Motzoei Shabbos, hospital officials said.

Ziv Medical Center in Tzfas report that the soldier was brought to the hospital in good condition after sustaining a shrapnel wound. He was treated overnight and released Sunday morning, the hospital added.

According to Hezbollah, the rocket barrage’s target was Meron and nearby communities, and not the nearby air traffic control base. The barrage comprised of at least 26 rockets that crossed the border, impacting open areas near the town of Bar Yochai, the IDF said.

Meanwhile, Israeli fighter jets struck Hezbollah sites in southern Lebanon, the IDF said.

The targets included a building used by the terror group and other infrastructure in Maroun al-Ras, infrastructure in Tayr Harfa and another building in Yarine.

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