Border Police Neutralize Terrorist in Attempted Stabbing Near Abu Dis

By Yoni Weiss

The scene of the attempted stabbing, Sunday morning. (Police Spokesperson)

On Sunday morning, a terrorist attempted to stab Border Police officers at a checkpoint near the town of Abu Dis in Shomron.

The terrorist approached the checkpoint, drew a knife, and tried to attack the officers. The officers quickly identified the threat, responded, and shot the terrorist, neutralizing him. No casualties were reported among the Israeli forces, baruch Hashem.

On Thursday, a career IDF soldier was wounded in a stabbing attack at the Yitzhar Hagedolah junction, south of Shechem. The victim, who arrived by vehicle at the Shomron Brigade, received medical treatment on-site and was then evacuated, conscious, to Beilinson Hospital. According to the soldier, the terrorist attacked him as he was opening the window of his vehicle, and stabbed him.

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