Victim Files NIS 150,000 Lawsuit Against Arabs for Attack Near Teveria

By Hamodia Staff

Mispallelim daven at the kever of Rabi Shimon Bar Yochai in Meron. (David Cohen/Flash90)

A lawsuit of NIS 150,000 has been filed with Teveria Magistrate’s Court on behalf of a Jewish man who was attacked by three Arabs nearly three years ago near Teveria en route to daven at the kever of Rabi Shimon Bar Yochai in Meron.

According to the lawsuit, filed by attorney Menashe Yado of the Honenu organization, the Arabs violently attacked the Jewish individuals with severe brutality and without any reason. The incident occurred on Feb. 7, 2021, as the plaintiff and his friends were traveling from Teveria toward Migdal.

“The defendants’ vehicle, in which they were seated, blocked the path of the plaintiff and his companions. The plaintiff attempted to bypass the defendants’ vehicle and continue traveling, but the defendants prevented it and suddenly responded violently and mercilessly.

“The defendants opened the window and shouted curses at the plaintiff menacingly. Feeling great fear, the plaintiff attempted to flee with his car from the scene. After traveling a distance, he stopped at the Paz gas station at the Migdal junction. The plaintiff got out of the car, and before he could dial the police, the defendants’ vehicle arrived.

“Defendant No. 2 exited the vehicle and removed a metal rod from the cargo area. Subsequently, Defendants 1 and 3 also exited the vehicle. Defendant No. 3 grabbed the plaintiff and struck him forcefully with the rod on his head. Then, he struck him in the face, preventing him from reaching his car and defending himself. The plaintiff tried to escape again, but the three defendants caught him. One of them grabbed him by the neck and beard, while the other two hit him with their fists on his face and all parts of his body until they knocked him to the ground. One of the defendants dragged the plaintiff toward a nearby fence, while the other deliberately climbed onto the defendants’ car with the intention of running over or harming the plaintiff with the vehicle. However, the plaintiff managed to climb over the fence and escape with his life. In response, one of the defendants exited the car again and resumed hitting the plaintiff until he fell to the ground,” described Yado in the lawsuit.

After the attack, the Jewish man was rushed for medical treatment, revealing systemic injuries and impaired hearing. The Arab assailants were arrested and sentenced to 8-10 months in prison. Now, the Jewish man has filed a civil lawsuit against them for NIS 150,000.

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