IDF Reveals Footage of Palestinian Terrorists at UNRWA Facility in Rafah

By Yoni Weiss

IDF soldiers seen in eastern Rafah, Wednesday. (IDF Spokesman)

The IDF on Wednesday released images and video footage showing Palestinian terrorists inside a UNRWA logistics facility located in eastern Rafah, alongside U.N. vehicles.

According to the IDF, the footage depicts several armed individuals gathered around U.N. vehicles at the compound. The IDF claims to have observed one of the terrorists firing at civilians during the incident.

The warehouse complex in question serves as a key distribution point for humanitarian aid in the Rafah region.

In response to the situation, Lt. Col. (ret.) Peter Lerner, a spokesperson, raised concerns on social media. He highlighted the presence of terrorists, likely affiliated with Hamas, at the UNRWA facility, urging the United Nations to address the issue. Lerner also emphasized the potential consequences if the IDF were to take action against the terrorists.

Following the incident, representatives from the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), a unit within the Defense Ministry overseeing humanitarian aid efforts, notified senior international officials and urged the U.N. to conduct an urgent investigation.

The IDF recently assumed control of the Palestinian side of the Gaza-Egypt border, including the Rafah border crossing, as part of efforts to prevent Hamas from intercepting humanitarian aid shipments arriving from Egypt.

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