BD”E: Harav Avraham Yehoshua Heshel Shapiro, Z”l, Son of the Naroler Rebbe, Shlita

By Hamodia Staff

Harav Avraham Yehoshua Heshel Shapiro, z”l. (Avrumi Berger)

The Chassidic world was saddened on Motzoei Shabbos with the news of the sudden passing of Harav Avraham Yehoshua Heshel Shapiro, z”l. He was the son of the Naroler Rebbe, shlita, and he was niftar on Leil Shabbos at his home in Boro Park, returning his soul to its Maker at the age of 61.

Harav Avraham Yehoshua Heshel Shapiro was born in Elul 5722/1962, to his father, the Naroler Rebbe, shlita, one of the elder Rebbes of the generation, who then resided in Crown Heights, New York. During his childhood, he was very close to his esteemed grandfather, the Naroler Rebbe, zy”a, and was deeply attached and devoted to him throughout his life.

He was educated and raised in the institutions of Belz, initially part of the first cheder of Belz in Williamsburg, which his father founded and initially managed. Later, he went on to learn at the Belzer yeshivah in Yerushalayim.

When he came of age, he married, tblch”t, the daughter of the Kossoner Rebbe of Bnei Brak. After their marriage, they lived briefly in Bnei Brak and then moved to the United States, close to his parents.

He was entirely dedicated to helping others, both collectively and individually, and assisted many needy individuals in all matters. No act of chessed was too small for him to undertake, a person whose entire being was a golden heart and pure kindness.

His home was open for anyone in need, and he, in his concern and compassion, looked after all their needs. He was deeply connected to the Belzer Rebbe, shlita.

He was a mispallel of the Belzer shul on 43rd Street in Boro Park.

He is survived by, yblch”t, his parents, children, grandchildren, and siblings.

The levayah will be held Sunday at 12:30 p.m. from the Shomrei Hadas chapel in Boro Park. Kevurah will be at the Kehal Machzikei Hadas section in Monsey.

At the same time, at 7:30 p.m. local time in Israel, his father and brothers will gather at the Narol beis medrash in Bnei Brak to hear a hesped from his father, the Rebbe, shlita.

Yehi zichro baruch.

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