Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Meets with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz

By Hamodia Staff

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met on Tuesday with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz at the Kirya in Tel Aviv.

After their private meeting, Netanyahu thanked the chancellor for the solidarity that he and his country showed for Israel.

While describing the atrocities perpetrated by Hamas, Netanyahu said, “Eighty years ago, our people experienced the worst savagery in the history of humanity with the Nazi crimes against the Jewish people on the soil of Germany and Europe. I must tell you, my friend, that the savagery we witnessed perpetrated by the Hamas murderers coming out of Gaza were the worst crimes committed against Jews since the Holocaust…This is the savagery that we only remember from the Nazi crimes from the Holocaust.”

After comparing Hamas to the Nazis and ISIS, Netanyahu implored the world to come together to defeat and eradicate the terrorist organization.

“So obviously we must take action to defeat Hamas to ensure that this doesn’t happen again. But this is not only our battle, it is our common battle. The battle of civilization against barbarism. And if it’s not stopped here, this savagery will reach you very soon and reach the entire world. We have a vested interest, an abiding interest, to make sure that doesn’t happen and it can only be achieved with the solidarity of the civilized world.

The Prime Minister added, “Thank you, Chancellor. I appreciate all your statements, including your last reference to protecting the Jewish community. We discussed this in our conversation as well.”

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