Suitcase Lost in Sanitation Truck Retrieved and Returned by Chaveirim and Boro Park Shomrim

By Hamodia Staff

A suitcase containing a man’s tallis and tefillin as well as other valuable items went missing in Boro Park, but due to the dedicated work of Chaveirim and Shomrim of Boro Park it was retrieved from the waste management facility used by the Department of Sanitation of New York (DSNY) and returned to the owner.

When the owner noticed that his suitcase was missing, he notified Boro Park Shomrim and after reviewing surveillance video they determined that it was carted away by a local Department of Sanitation vehicle.

The supervisor of DSNY Brooklyn South 12 Garage, located at 5602 19th Avenue, was contacted and he arranged that the trucks working it that vicinity were set apart and their contents were isolated in one area of the waste management facility which services that garage.

Volunteers from Shomrim of Boro Park and Chaveirim were given access, and after searching for a few hours, they were able to locate the suitcase.

“Although the suitcase itself was crushed, the contents were all intact, and b’ezras Hashem we were able to return it to the owner,” a Shomrim of Boro Park supervisor told Hamodia. “We received complete cooperation from the DSNY staff, and we are grateful for their help in assisting us to help return this valuable item to its rightful owner.”

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