Yidel Perlstein Reelected as Chairman of Community Board 12 in Boro Park

By Hamodia Staff

BORO PARK − Community Board 12, which serves the neighborhood of Boro Park, has reelected Yidel Perlstein, a board member who has served in since 2012, as the chairman of the community board.

At the last community board meeting each February, a vote is taken to elect the executive committee of CB 12 along with its chairman. The nominating committee announces the nominations in advance, and in the event that there is only one candidate running unopposed, one member is designated to cast a single vote to finalize the slate.

Since Mr. Perlstein was the only candidate nominated for the position of chairman, Rabbi Edgar Gluck, a longtime member of the community board, was selected to cast the ceremonial vote, which voted in Mr. Perlstein as chairman and re-appointed the executive committee for another term.

“I would like to express my gratitude to each and every member of CB 12 for your trust and faith in me,” Mr. Perlstein wrote in a tweet. “It’s an honor to have been re-elected as chairman for another term. Our collective efforts have made me incredibly proud, and I’m excited to continue advancing our future work.”

“I take the needs of the community very seriously, and I am excited for the opportunity to serve as chairman of Community Board 12 and represent the community. I look forward to serving the community and overseeing the many projects we have planned for the neighborhood in the upcoming year,” Mr. Perlstein told Hamodia.

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