Execution of Wrongly Accused Jewish Man in Iran Postponed for a Month

By Hamodia Staff

Two police officers wave Iranian flags in Tehran, Iran. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)

The court system in Kermanshah, Iran, has granted a temporary reprieve to Arvin Ghahremani, a Jewish man wrongly accused of murder, postponing his execution by approximately one month. Advocates remain hopeful that justice will ultimately prevail, leading to his release and exoneration.

Ghahremani, 20, was working out at a gym in Kermanshah, about 500 miles from Tehran, in November 2022 when he was ambushed by seven men. Among them was a 40-year-old man who owed him money, according to Rabbi Danny Yiftach, who translated Iranian court documents for The New York Post.

The Iranian man, identified by Iran Human Rights as Amir Shokri, pulled a knife and stabbed Ghahremani. Ghahremani fought back, disarmed Shokri, and fatally stabbed him in self-defense.

Despite these circumstances, Ghahremani was convicted of being an “accomplice to the intentional murder of a Muslim” and for “intentionally inflicting nonfatal injuries.” He was sentenced to death, a judgment that cannot be appealed.

Under Iranian law, Ghahremani could avoid execution if Shokri’s family agrees to accept financial compensation, but so far, the family has refused.

The Jewish community are a tiny minority in the Islamic Republic, numbering just 8,000 out of 88.5 million Iranians.

Please daven for the release of Arvin Netanel ben Tziona.

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