Chareidi Man Assaulted in Tel Aviv


The bachur being thrown to the ground, Friday. (Screenshot)

A chareidi yeshivah bachur, Levi Blau, was assaulted while walking down the street in Tel Aviv on Friday.

Three chareidi men, all Chabad Chassidim who were on their way to help other Yidden don tefillin, were walking down Allenby Street in Tel Aviv Friday when a man shouted “chareidim,” and shoved one of the men to the ground.

“We were, as we often do, conducting a weekly mivzta tefillin in Tel Aviv,” the victim said, “and we were waking down Allenby Street when all of a sudden a man approached us, shouting ‘chareidim,’ and shoved me forcibly to the ground.”

The Religious Zionist party on Monday responded to the incident, blaming the assault on the Lapid-Bennett anti-religious government.

“A whole year of a government of division and hatred is bearing fruit,” the party said.

“Yvette [Avidgor] Liberman and Yair Lapid built their campaigns and the justification of their political existence on hatred of religious people and the chareidi sector, which Religious Zionism undertakes to correct.

“Immediately after the elections, we will work to establish a government that will serve the entire people of Israel. Secular, religious and traditional, and the chareidim. The State of Israel was built as the national home of the Jewish people, and incitement against a sector of the people causes rupture and division and eats away at the delicate fabric of Israeli society. The citizens of Israel say: Stop the incitement.”

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