Humanitarian Aid to Refugees in Romania Sent by Passenger


Passengers flying from Tel Aviv to Bucharest on an El Al flight on Monday were asked to participate in a novel humanitarian mission: to carry aid packages for thousands of Ukrainian refugees in Romania, The Times of Israel reported.

The packages, which contain medicine and supplies for babies and children, were stowed under the passengers’ seats by special agreement with El Al.

Monday’s flight was the first in a collaborative effort between the Sasa Setton organization, the Center for Jewish Impact, and El Al.

Meanwhile, the Israeli Cabinet approved plans for a field hospital to be established in Ukraine in the coming days.

The hospital — dubbed Shining Star — is slated to operate in western Ukraine for refugees for one month, a government statement said.

The 21 million shekel project is being sponsored jointly by the Prime Minister’s Office, the Health Ministry and Foreign Ministry, as well as the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee.

The facility will be operated by Sheba Medical Center, Clalit Health Services, and medical staff from other hospitals, according to the Health Ministry.

The hospital will include wards for children and adults, an emergency room, a delivery room, and a primary care clinic.

Representatives from the Foreign Ministry will also join the delegation.

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