Smotrich Calls for Ultimatum to Hezbollah or Ground Operation in Southern Lebanon

By Yoni Weiss

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich leads a faction meeting in northern Israel, Sunday. (Ayal Margolin/Flash90)

Finance Minister Betzalel Smotrich, speaking from northern Israel during a special faction meeting on Sunday, called for an ultimatum to be issued to Hezbollah.

Following Minister Benny Gantz’s ultimatum on Motzoei Shabbos, Smotrich demanded that the government “give an ultimatum to the Hezbollah. If it is not answered in full, then launch a defensive attack, including ground entry and an Israeli takeover of southern Lebanon.”

Smotrich also stated, “The Cabinet must decide on a permanent IDF presence throughout the Gaza Strip and control over the territory. Instead of discussing withdrawal from the Netzarim Corridor, additional control zones should be established to prevent continued attacks on southern Israel and the entire country.”

He further emphasized the need to “complete the operation along the Philadelphi Corridor to stop arms smuggling from Egypt, cut off Hamas’s supply lines, and prevent their rehabilitation.”

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