Two Assaults on Jews in Williamsburg Friday Night


jews attacked williamsburg

The NYPD Hate Crime Task Force is investigating two assaults on Jews in Williamsburg on Friday night.

In one incident, captured on surveillance footage, an assailant walked up behind a 24-year-old Jewish man on Marcy Avenue and Stockton Street and punched him in the face, knocking off his shtreimel.

Another similar incident occurred nearby, at Marcy Avenue and Myrtle Avenue, an assailant hit a 44-year-old Jewish man on the ear.

The two incidents occurred approximately ten minutes apart.

The ADL is offering a reward of up to $7,500 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the assaults.

“Attacks against visibly identifiable Jews here in New York and New Jersey have become practically a weekly occurrence, ” said Scott Richman, ADL NY/NJ Regional Director. “The Jewish community is on extreme edge and this violence has got to stop. It is becoming normalized, and we simply cannot accept that as the state of affairs.”

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