Boro Park Children Pining for Playgrounds


With the arrival of warm weather after weeks of sheltering in the confines of their dwellings, the children of Brooklyn want to do what every child desires; to get some exercise and have fun with their friends at the local park.

For months, however, the playgrounds of Boro Park have been off grounds for the children, as the Mayor ordered them closed to help control the spread of COVID-19. Yet when the rest of the city gathered for mass demonstrations to protest police brutality and racism, Mayor De Blasio declared their cause worthy, and insisted they had the right to flout all guidelines that others had to adhere to.

The children of Boro Park gathered Thursday evening for peaceful protest to convey to the mayor that even kids matter, and they would exercise their right to protest if they couldn’t exercise in their playgrounds. At 8:00 pm, some 200 children gathered at the park on 18th Avenue between 55th and 56th Street to make their voices heard about the inequity of the mayor’s orders, and to demand that he open the park for their use and enjoyment.

Signs stating “Kids Lives Matter”, “Open Up Our Schools” and “We Need Camp” were held up by the protesting children, who lingered near the park until nightfall, and then preceded to their homes without any incidents.


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