Crown Heights Schools Closed

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Yeshiva Oholei Torah on Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights. (Google Maps)

Joint Statement From Crown Heights Schools

Dear Crown Heights Parents שיחיו,

As of this morning, there are 3 confirmed cases of COVID-19 positive cases in the Crown Heights Community. All are doing well, but they each have had a very extensive exposure to the community. There are many young people presenting with mild flu-like symptoms who have been tested and are awaiting results.

All the schools in Crown Heights had a joint conference call this morning at 10am with professionals and Rabbonim. We were advised that all local schools be closed because we expect a very large outbreak in the community based on the trends seen all over the world.

All Crown Heights schools will be closed as of 12pm today until further notice.

There is no reason for panic or worry. We simply must take action to keep the vulnerable members of our community safe. Professionals advised that young children should not visit the elderly and that everyone should take extra precautions and stay home as much as possible.

It is very important to note that many children who are carrying the virus will not even appear sick. We need to keep them home regardless to stop the spread.

This is an ongoing situation and we will do our best to keep the community updated on new policies and when we can re-open.

Wishing everyone a Gut Shabbos and Besuros Tovos,

The Crown Heights Schools

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