Hamas Terrorist Undergoes Surgery in Ichilov After Initial Refusal

By Yoni Weiss

An aerial view of Tel Aviv’s Sourasky Medical Center – Ichilov Hospital.

A Hamas terrorist involved in the Oct. 7 attacks, who required pelvic surgery, underwent the procedure over the weekend at Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center – Ichilov Hospital, after initial refusal. This situation highlights the ongoing controversy in Israel regarding medical treatment for detained terrorists from the Nukhba Force, the elite Hamas unit responsible for the Oct. 7 massacres. This issue has sparked numerous clashes between protesters and police in recent months.

As reported by Yisrael Hayom, on Thursday evening, during a right-wing protest near the Kirya complex in Tel Aviv, police were notified that a terror suspect was being transported to the hospital for surgery. Anticipating public disturbances, officers secured the hospital. However, the hospital initially refused to admit the suspect due to the lack of proper prearrangements, and the ambulance turned back after half an hour.

Over the weekend, security officials arranged for the suspect’s surgery according to the Health Ministry’s hospital rotation schedule. The suspect successfully underwent the pelvic surgery.

In response, Ichilov Hospital stated: “Like all hospitals, Ichilov operates according to the directives of the Health Ministry and the government of Israel on this complex issue.”

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