Extension of Regulations for Detention of Suspects From Oct. 7 Attack Approved

By Aryeh Stern

On Wednesday, the Knesset approved, in second and third readings, the Bill to Amend and Extend the Validity of Emergency Regulations. The proposed amendments aim to prolong the remand periods for individuals detained for hostile acts from Oct. 7, as well as those arrested during the ongoing war actions in Gaza. The extension allows for periodic detention periods of 45 days, with the provision for the court to shorten the period under special noted reasons. The suggested extension of the emergency regulations is until March 20.

The explanatory notes accompanying the bill emphasize the irregular and complex nature of the arrests related to the Oct. 7 events and the continuous influx of arrests stemming from the ongoing warfare in the Gaza Strip. Given the ongoing conflict, the comprehensive and intricate investigations, and the imperative to protect national interests and human lives, law enforcement agencies face unprecedented challenges.

The explanatory notes argue that the legal procedures outlined in the Arrests Law, designed for focused and limited criminal investigations, are unsuitable for the mass and exceptional circumstances arising from the terrorist attack. They underscore the necessity for a different legal framework to address the complexities and challenges posed by the current situation.

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