BD’E — Harav Pesach Miller, Zt”l, Chmelnicker Rav

By BoroPark 24

Hamodia is saddened to report the petirah of Harav Pesach Miller, zt”l, Chmelnicker Rav, who was niftar on Thursday after an illness. He was 74 years old.

The Rav was one of the first talmidim in the United States of The Bobover Rebbe, Harav Shlomo Halberstam, zy”a, when the Rebbe rebuilt the chassidus with the she’eiris hapeleitah and their children.

When the Rebbe would distribute bottles of wine to his talmidim on Purim, he would remark, “Fahr Pesach darf men ah fas – for Pesach we need a barrel!”

His Rosh Yeshiva in Bobov, Harav Moshe Steinwurzel, zt”l, would occasionally bring his own Rosh Yeshiva, Harav Gedalia Schorr, zt”l, to farher his talmidim, and he would remark that if his talmid Pesach was present, he could rest assured that no question would go unanswered.

When the Rebbe traveled to Eretz Yisrael in 5730/1970, he took Rav Pesach along when visiting Gedolim, priding himself in his talmid by declaring, “This is my moreh hora’ah.”

Rav Pesach had shimush by several Gedolim of previous generations, and they were duly impressed by the breadth of his Torah knowledge. He was the mechaber of numerous seforim including Sifrei Noam Halevi on all 4 chelkei Shulchan Aruch, and Pischei halevi on Hilchos Mezuzah.

Together with tbl”c his Rebbetzin, the daughter of Reb Itche Rosengarten, sheyichyeh, they established a choshive family which includes prominent Rabbanim and talmidei chachamim.

Rav Pesach was one of the most prominent Rabbanim in the Bobov-45 chassidus, and was deeply respected by the Rebbe, shlita, and the entire kehillah.

The levayah took place Thursday morning in front of his Beis Medrash Ohr Latzaddik Chmelnick located at 649 Dahill Road.

Kevurah will be in the old beis hachaim in Teveria.

Yehi zichro baruch.

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