Belev Echad Creates Magical Day for Special Children and Families

Last Monday, a heartwarming event unfolded at the Magic Cass complex in Maale Adumim, orchestrated by the Belev Echad organization. This organization is dedicated to brightening the lives of special children and their families throughout the year by creating memorable experiences and joyful moments.

This yearly activity day is eagerly anticipated by thousands of special children and their families, as well as by those young patients who spend most of their days in hospital rooms. Unlike their usual routines, this day is a breath of fresh air, offering a truly happy occasion.

Starting early in the morning, the Magic Cass complex was abuzz with excitement as sick and special children, along with their families, gathered for a day filled with pure enjoyment. The organization’s devoted volunteers were there, ensuring that everyone had the best possible time in a safe and suitable manner.

The entire Magic Cass complex was set aside for the families of the Belev Echad organization throughout the day. The schedule was thoughtfully divided to accommodate both men and women, giving everyone ample time to revel in the unprecedented pleasure this day brought. It was a temporary escape from the usual hustle and bustle of their complicated lives.

As evening descended, thousands of families congregated at the D-City complex for a grand concert featuring renowned singers Simcha Leiner, Ohad Moshkovitz and Kobi Bromer. Accompanied by the expansive orchestra of Arhala Nachsoni, the singers delivered heartfelt performances that left not a single dry eye. The music was a conduit for emotions, creating moments of elevation and love for both the special children and the artists themselves.

Throughout the day, the event saw visits from respected figures in the community, including Rabbanim and public personalities. Friends and supporters of the Belev Echad organization were equally moved by the sight of countless happy and joyful children.

At the event’s conclusion, the Belev Echad organization expressed gratitude toward the donors and supporters who tirelessly contributed to making this special day possible for hundreds of special children and their families. Special recognition was extended to Rabbi Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz, a prominent figure in the Torah world, and to the organization’s friends, Mr. Nati Peretz, Mr. Tom Yonathan Or-Paz and Mr. Moshe Widerman, all of whom invested considerable efforts to ensure the success of this annual endeavor.

Numerous parents took a moment to express their heartfelt appreciation to the leaders of Belev Echad and its dedicated CEO, Rabbi David Weitman. Their tireless dedication throughout the year benefits both special children and those facing health challenges, making a significant positive impact in their lives.

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