Caban Appointed NYPD Police Commissioner

NYPD Commissioner Eddie Caban. (NYPD)

By Matis Glenn

New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced Monday that interim Police Commissioner Eddie Caban would remain at his post permanently, becoming the 46thcommissioner of the nation’s largest police force.

Caban, 55 years old, was appointed earlier this month as an interim commissioner two weeks after the June resignation of former Commissioner Keechant Sewell. He has served for 32 years in the NYPD at several precincts across the five boroughs, where he has risen through the ranks.

“It is my honor to announce the appointment of Edward Caban as the next commissioner of the New York City Police Department and the first Latino police commissioner in NYPD history,” Adams said in a statement. “A Bronx native, with more than 30 years of experience as one of New York’s Finest, Commissioner Caban is the right choice at the right time. Not only has Commissioner Caban climbed the ranks, serving in nearly every role within the Police Department, but policing is in his blood, as he follows in the footsteps of his father, another veteran of the NYPD.”

Sewell suddenly resigned after only being in office for 18 months, but there were reportedly rumors in the NYPD surrounding her position status for months. The New York Post, citing unnamed NYPD sources, reported a day before Sewell’s resignation that Adams had taken away her ability to make promotions, following a falling out over a suggestion Sewell had made to discipline Chief of Department Jefferey Maddrey, a close associate of Adams.

Adams also announced on Monday the appointment of Tania Kinsella as Deputy Police Commissioner, Caban’s former position.

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