Eddie Caban Named Interim NYPD Commissioner by Mayor

Interim Commissioner Eddie Caban. (NYPD)

Two and a half weeks after former NYPD Commissioner Keechant Sewell suddenly announced her resignation from her post, New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced a temporary replacement for head of the nation’s largest police department.

On Saturday, Adams named First Deputy NYPD Commissioner Eddie Caban as interim Commissioner, making him the first Hispanic person to ever hold the office. Caban has been appointed First Deputy by Sewell.

“Commissioner Caban is a consummate professional with over three decades of service in the NYPD,” Adams said in a statement. “I know the hard-working men and women of our city’s police department have a strong leader in place until a more formal announcement is made in the coming weeks.”

 Sewell’s resignation, after only being in office for 18 months, was sudden, but there were reportedly rumors in the NYPD surrounding her position status for months. The New York Post, citing unnamed NYPD sources, reported a day before Sewell’s resignation that Adams had taken away her ability to make promotions, following a falling out over a suggestion Sewell had made to discipline Chief of Department Jefferey Maddrey, a close associate of Adams.

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