Double-Decker Tour Buses New in Yerushalayim

The Yerushalayim double-decker bus tours. (Dana Haftsadi, The Jerusalem Development Authority)

Tourists in Yerushalayim are being offered a new attraction with the arrival of four double-decker buses set to traverse the city on a two-hour route.

The excursion costs NIS 75 per adult and NIS 30 per child. A family discount price is also available – NIS 170 for two adults and two children.

The last time such initiative was undertaken by Egged Bus Company, with the 99 route, that made 28 stops at major tourist attractions such as Mount Scopus, the Kosel, Herzl Museum, Yad Vashem, the Israel Museum, and the Knesset, as well as major hotels, on a two-hour loop of the city.

The buses were equipped with a stereo system and headphones were provided to all riders, allowing them to hear a description of the route in one of eight languages. The service was ceased in 2016.

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